REC Registration

REC Registration



Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) mechanism is a market based instrument to promote renewable energy and facilitate compliance of renewable purchase obligations (RPO). It is aimed at addressing the mismatch between availability of RE resources in state and the requirement of the obligated entities to meet the renewable purchase obligation (RPO).

There are two categories of RECs, viz., solar RECs and non-solar RECs.

Solar RECs are issued to eligible entities for generation of electricity based on solar as renewable energy source, and non-solar RECs are issued to eligible entities for generation of electricity based on renewable energy sources other than solar.

The RE generators who fulfil the eligibility criteria can apply for the accreditation to concerned State Agency. After successful accreditation the eligible entity (RE generator) may apply for registration to the Central Agency. After successful registration the eligible entity may obtain REC through the 'process of issuance of REC' by Central Agency.

As per the REC-RPO regulations enacted by the CERC and various SERCs, “Renewable Energy Sources” means renewable sources such as mini hydro, micro hydro, small hydro, wind, solar, biomass including bagasse, bio-fuel cogeneration, urban or municipal waste and such other sources as recognized or approved by MNRE. The list of technologies thus is

• Mini hydro
• Micro hydro
• Small hydro
• Wind
• Solar
• Biomass including Bagasse
• Bio-fuel cogeneration
• Urban and municipal waste (including MSW treatment, biogas)Thus, the technologies such as Waste Heat Recovery (WHR), Large hydro (>25 MW) are not included in the eligible list of MNRE and thus are not eligible to earn RECs.

The process of getting accredited under REC mechanism is as under