Pure Vermiculite

Pure Vermiculite

It is the mineralogical name given to hydrated laminar magnesium-aluminium-iron silicate.

It has the remarkable ability to expand to many times its original volume when heated – a property known as exfoliation, which occurs at right angles to the strong basal cleavage. This property is the basis for its commercial use.

The increase in bulk volume of commercial grades is 8-12 times, but individual flakes may exfoliate as many as 30 times. There is change in the colour during this process depending upon the composition of the vermiculite and furnace temperature.

The elongate, curved and twisted columns (resembles worm) produced when the larger crystals are suddenly heated to high temperatures which releases the interlayer crystalline water and thereby rapid conversion of this water into steam.


Chemical Composition

Physical Properties of Exfoliated Vermiculite

Thermal Conductivity of exfoliated vermiculite at different bulk densities

Packaging:  Bag of 25 Kgs


Recommended as best thermal insulator and an ideal substitute over any other weathering course material

• Cold face insulator as insulation bricks in furnaces

• Plaster aggregates as fire proof insulating material in steel /concrete structures

• Widely used light weight insulating material for roof/ floor deck system

• Insulation fill for homes and commercial building.